
Safe Work at Height

Authorized operator for work at height and use of anti-fall systems.

The objective of this course is to provide personnel with the theoretical and practical knowledge that allows them to perform work at height safely.

You will be able to recognize the types and characteristics of work at height, as well as the main dangers and risks associated with work, and plan and manage appropriate fall arrest devices or systems.

You will be able to access, progress and position yourself correctly in structures, using the appropriate protective equipment, knowing the procedures, requirements, duties and responsibilities of all those involved, and also the contingency plans and internal protocols.


  • Full day of 8 hours. Theoretical module of 4 hours + practical module of 4 hours.
  • Starts 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m.
  • Includes breakfast and lunch service.


  • Informative booklet with notepad and pen.
  • Projected slides in the training room.
  • Training center with tower and fixed stairs for practice.
  • Fall arrest systems and devices.
  • Industrial personal protective equipment.

Student Qualification

General Service
Great 76%
Comfort Facilities
Great 66%
lunch service
Great 54%
Predisposition Instructors
Great 82%
Knowledge Instructors
Great 82%
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